Friday, February 15, 2013

Define DDL , DML , TCL

Data Definition Language ( DDL ) :
Data Definition Language are used to define the structure of a database or schema.
Some of the example includes statements like CREATE , ALTER , DROP etc.
Oracle Database implicitly commits the current transaction before and after every DDL statement.

Examples :
  • CREATE - can be used to create a database , table , stored procedure.
  • ALTER - can be used to alter the structure of databse table like add a new column.
  • DROP - can be used to drop objects from database like drop a table.
  • TRUNCATE - remove all records from a table . also remove all spaces allocated for the recods.
  • COMMENT - can be used to add comments to data dictionary.
  • RENAME - renames an object

            Data Manipulation Language ( DML ) :
            Data Manipulation Language can be used to modify / alter the data of existing schema objects. 
            DML statements do not implicitly commit the current transactions.

            Example :
            • SELECT - used to retrive data from a database table.
            • INSERT - used to insert new record in a table.
            • UPDATE - can be used to update column values of a table.
            • DELETE - can be used to delete records from a table.
            • MERGE - insert or update operation.
            • EXPLAIN PLAN - explain access path to data.
            • CALL - can be used to call PL/SQL.
            • LOCK TABLE - controls the concurrency.

            Transaction Control Statements ( TCL ) :
            Transaction Control Statements are used to control the manipulations made by Data Manipulation Language ( DML ) statements . 

            Example :
            • COMMIT - used to commit the transaction so that any changes made by the query are reflected by the database table.
            • ROLLBACK - revert the changes that were made in the last commit.
            • SAVEPOINT -  creates / identifies a point in the transaction to which you can rollback later.
            • SET TRANSACTION - change transaction options like isolation level.

            Session Control Statements  :
            Session control statements dynamically manage the properties of a user session. These statements do not implicitly commit the current transaction.

            Example :
            • ALTER SESSION
            • SET ROLE

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